Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)

Known primarily for its spectacular spring floral display, the flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) shines as a small understory tree in the native landscape. Reaching up to 30 feet tall, this tree grows well in shade, but will flaunt even more white blossoms in full sun. Not only does this small tree provide interest in spring but also presents striking red berries and maroon foliage in fall, followed by architectural lines and interesting bark in winter. While this tree grows well in many locations, it prefers to grow in moist, acidic soils and in full sun. Flowering dogwood is a perfect native specimen tree for the home landscape or can easily integrate in a native woodland setting.

Flowering dogwoods are susceptible to dogwood anthracnose, a fungal disease. Proper care, such as planting in full sun and watering during drought, will help a tree stay healthy. Certain selections, such as ‘Appalachian Spring’, ‘Cherokee Brave’, and ‘Cherokee Princess’, are considered resistant or tolerant of anthracnose.